Social Networks Analysis Using Similarity-Based Metrics
Real-life networks are agile in nature, fresh vertices and edges are added over the passage of time.
It is very important to know the possibility of new link creation.
The basic idea of link prediction is to approximate the possibility of the existence of a link between pair of nodes, derive from perceived topological structural attributes of nodes.
Link prediction methods have a variety of uses in diverse areas.
a) Online Social Networks
b) Recommender System
c) Health Care
BenchMark Algorithms
a) Common Neighbor
The ranking of the likelihood of edges is based on the number of common neighbors between two distinct nodes.
b) Common Neighbor & Distance
When there are no common neighbors between them Γ(i)∩Γ(j)=Ø, distance d between nodes is used for score.
c) Preferential Attachment
The ranking of scores is based on the degree multiplication of two distinct nodes.
d) Resource Allocation
The similarity index is defined as the amount of resource node i receives from node j through indirect links and each intermediate link contributes a unit of resource.
e) Adamic Adar
Improves the scoring by weighting lesser degree nodes heavily.
f) Jaccard Index
Is the ratio of common neighbors to that of all neighbors.
g) Soreson Index
Is the ratio of common neighbor to that of their submission of their degrees.
h) Hub Promoted Index
The score is computed by computing the Ratio of common neighbors to that of the minimum degree of connected nodes.
i) Common Neighbor and Centrality based Patameterizzed Algorithm (CCPA)
Common neighbor and degree centrality are combined in a parameterized manner to compute the score for a missing link in the graph.
By configuring 𝛼=0.1 the algorithm is assigning 10% weightage to common neighbors and 90% weightage to the centrality of a node.
Different structural based similarity algorithms may perform differently on a variety of datasets.
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